Chlorodifluoromethane HCFC-142b
molecular formula: CH3CClF2 UN Number: 2517 risk grades: 2.1
Physical property:
molecular weight | 100.5 | latent heat of evaporation under boiling point, KJ/kg | 215 |
boiling point (1 atm), °C | -9.6 | steam thermal conductivity(1 atm, 25 °C), mw/mk | 9.4 |
density(30 °C), liquid, g/cm3 | 1.096 | water solubility(25 °C), w% | 0.14 |
critical temperature, °C | 137.1 | specific heat(30 °C), liquid, KJ/kg °C | 1.34 |
critical pressure, MPa | 4.12 | ODP | 0.06 |
critical density, g/cm3 | 0.435 | GWP | 2000 |
Quality index(CRAA 100-2006):
appearance | colorless transparent liquefied gas |
purity,% | ≥99.5 |
moisture,% | ≤0.001 |
acidity(in HCL), % | ≤0.0003 |
residue on evaporation,% | ≤0.01 |
Uses: As working medium of high-temperature environment air cooler; as sensing medium of heat pump working medium and temperature control component
Packing specification: 400kg/400L, 800kg/800L bottle, 20 tons transport tank